If you are a goalie who is ready to dominate your competition, this is the perfect opportunity to work with me for half price.
You probably know that I run a private 2-day Turning Pro CAMPs in Canada or the US for goalies who are enrolled in the private Turning Pro coaching program. They are a huge success and the goalies tell me that just the camp is worth the $4997 price tag for the Turning Pro Coaching program… and I am giving a few of you a chance to attend at a fraction of that price.
I am going to open a few spots in one specific Turning Pro CAMP - the Turning Pro SUPER Camp and you are invited to grab one of the very few spots available for goalies who are NOT in the Turning Pro Coaching Program.
The amount of action you take (or don’t take) determines the goalie you will be and become. If you get that AND you are ready to TAKE action, then keep reading.
NOTE: If you don’t believe the statement above and you think that if only your coach wasn’t a jerk or your D-men were played better in front of you or if the refs didn’t screw your team all the time or if you just had the newest CCM set up that you would be the dominant goalie you want to be, then do us both a favour and stop reading right now. It isn’t the right opportunity for you.